Avrupa Yakası - Şesu ve Bağlamacı

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Avrupa Yakası - Fitness 2

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Avrupa yakası peker açıkalın bize niye gelmedin:)

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Avrupa Yakası - Senin benden başka arkadaşın var mı ?

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avrupa yakasi - cakkidi

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I keep being told the user name I want is taken. How do I find a user name that works?

I keep being told the user name I want is taken. How do I find a user name that works?

YouTube has experienced a lot of growth in user numbers. As a result, you may need to get a little more creative with your user name selection. Try adding other characters before or after the user name you wish to use—many people add their birth year or other identifying information, like this: Maria1972, MariaNY. You can also bracket the name with other characters like this: xxUSERxx.

You can only use letters and numbers for your user name; no spaces or special characters like dashes or underscores are allowed.
User names are not case-sensitive, so 123ABC will be recognized as the same as 123abc. Therefore, if someone else has the user name you want but capitalizes different letters than you, you still can't create that user name.

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How do I confirm my email address?

How do I confirm my email address?

Confirming your email address is required to perform many actions on YouTube, such as uploading videos and posting comments. It is now part of signing up for new members, but if you signed up prior to February 2007 and have not yet confirmed your email address, follow these steps:
  1. Go to the Confirm Email page (http://www.youtube.com/email_confirm).
  2. Enter the email addresss you would like to use as your contact for YouTube. Please enter the email address you used when you joined.
  3. Click the "Submit" button.
  4. Check your email for a message from YouTube and click the link in the email to complete the confirmation process.
If you don't receive the confirmation email within a few minutes, be sure to check your spam folder to make sure it wasn't misfiled.

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How do I join?

How do I join?

To become a member of YouTube, go to the "Signup" page (http://www.youtube.com/signup), choose a user name and password, and enter your information. Then click the "Sign Up" button and you're done.

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What is TestTube?

What is TestTube?
TestTube (http://www.youtube.com/testtube) is an area of the site where we try out new features to get feedback from users before they're officially launched.

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How do videos get featured?

How do videos get featured?

YouTube's members rate videos they like, and we review highly-rated and recent videos for consideration in the "Featured Videos" section of the home page and the featured videos on the "Categories" page. In addition, our programming team takes suggestions from members at editor@youtube.com and scans the site for videos of interest.

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What is YouTube?

What is YouTube?

YouTube is an online video streaming service that allows anyone to view and share videos that have been uploaded by our members.

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